They are monuments, erected from still frames. A show of acrobatics, strength and prowess. Graceful, yet distorted. Fierce, but emotional. Frozen in time, these statues speak to the nature of their performance. One without the clock, the stopwatch, the gunshot. This static motion paints a picture beyond the sport. It’s not about how fast they run, but about how they captivate the audience and buy notoriety with their sweat, strain and stress. 

Black and white highlights the narrative. Color detracts. A salute to the polarity of the event. The winners, the losers. The fan-favorites, the underdogs. The subject is neglected when the image strays from minimalism. Overstimulation creates confusion. 

These words don’t come easily. I’ve explained my art to the best of my ability, but there is no complete way to express it. Most of my decisions are subconscious. 

Call it intuition.